How to prepare the BIM model for the Energy Evaluation

Integrated in the ARCHICAD environment, Energy Evaluation offers an easy-to-use workflow for performing dynamic building energy calculations on projects of any size.

Using the same dynamic building energy simulation technology as the standard compliant EcoDesigner STAR for ARCHICAD add-on, Energy Evaluation is an energy evaluation tool that enables architects to monitor and control all architectural design parameters that influence building energy performance. The Energy Evaluation tool performs reliable dynamic energy evaluation at all stages of the design process, so that architects can make informed decisions regarding their buildings’ energy efficiency. Including Energy Evaluation in the architectural design workflow makes it easy to create projects that conform to or even exceed energy efficiency regulations and comply with building energy standards.

  • Create and visualize multiple thermal block Building Energy Model (BEM) geometry directly from the ARCHICAD BIM using the Energy Model Review Palette.
  • Use the Model-Based Solar Study to determine the intensity of solar irradiation on each external glazed opening individually, on every hour of the reference year – including the shading effect of the surroundings (buildings, plants etc.) and shading devices.
  • Export the ARCHICAD model geometry and material property data via IFC or as an XLS spreadsheet, to be processed by external energy analysis applications
  • Run the dynamic energy simulation, using the VIP Core engine that is integrated in ARCHICAD, to produce an Energy Performance Report. This report provides information on the project’s yearly energy consumption, carbon footprint and monthly energy balance.