Attached greenhouse. Doubles as outdoor play area. Use GFRC split stone way to absorb heat (Wall against house and wall against swimming pool). Insulate wall perpendicular to pool. Tile pond and pool with black GFRC to use as thermal batteries – insulate well. Planter boxes in split stone to match. Stamped concrete travertine floor. Limit roof window to sunny hours aperture. Perimeter wall and perhaps ground source heat.

Use ERV to control humidity.

Insulated floor – same as house.

The anti-long wavelength IR reflective coatings (the low e coating) are one way, in effect.  They are applied to the inner faces of the panes, (so the inner face of the outer pane and the inner face of the centre pane) and they control the emissivity at those surfaces, reflecting long wavelength IR inwards through the interstitial gap between the panes, but allowing long wavelength IR from outside to come in with only a slight reduction.

What is a living pool?

A living pool is a body of freshwater that naturally regulates and cleans itself with bio filtration systems, much like the way bodies of water and the ecosystems around and within them behave naturally.

A living pool requires no chlorine, treatments or chemicals, remaining clean and hygienic independently. It is an organic version of a swimming pool containing living water. Living pools are different from natural pools, which require a regeneration zone of live flora and fauna. A living pool incorporates an underground bio and phosphorous filter that purifies the water, keeping it clear and alive.

What is a natural pool?

Natural pools are also bodies of living freshwater, however, they are regulated in a more organic manner than living pools. The central design feature of a natural pool is the regeneration zone, which is planted with aquatic plants that oxygenate the water and filter it through their root systems.

Due to the aquatic plants in the regeneration zone, natural pools often appear as if they blend in with the surroundings, becoming more like a natural feature of the landscape than a traditional pool.

Along with plants, fish can be added to a natural pool, creating a different experience. Fish also help to keep insects at bay.

Both natural and living pools are designed to suit individual sites and can be different depths, shapes, and sizes. Often, an existing pond or pool can be converted into a natural or living pool.

Sunlite 3600 x 660mm Clear PVC Roofing 5-year warranty $39.15 = 16.47/sqm

Alsynite Sunline polycarbonate roofing 840×3000 10-year warranty $43 = 17.06

Laserlite 2000 Twinwall clear 6mm R0.28 1220×4000 $175 with 15-year warranty = 35.80

The R-value of air inflated poly can be as much as R0.25

3M window film R0.44

128sqm roof

18x2m wall parallel to house

8×2 wall at office end

180sqm = 10k plus film, frame etc.

150mm wide rubber flashing to seal house wall to greenhouse roof.

Automated window openers offer the ability to open and close windows into the desired position at any given time for improved convenience, comfort, safety, and security. Linear electric actuators can often be found in buildings providing linear motion as the driving force when changing window positions. With all the different control boxes available, options such as the PA-35 WiFi Control Box enables the use of smartphones to control the actuators that raise and lower windows.

Use for Kingspan window shutters over sliding windows. Progressive Automations latest project from AutoWindows

Same floor as kitchen

Triple glazed windows on end and side. Size 2m high x 1m. Stacked stone columns between. Thermally broken from outside cladding (Make 2 ‘U’ castings and sandwich glass between). Lintel above and paneled version of stacked stone above to roof.

Security screen