“Digital electricity” – Power over ethernet Cat6 cabling will supply both control (from a central location) and power. Therefore, no mains wiring required.
LumenCache. UL2108 Low Voltage Lighting System certification
ONE hole per penetration (Pipe, wiring) so it is easy to seal
French door fridge/freezer (LG 635L Side by Side Fridge with Non-Plumbed Ice & Water Dispenser in Stainless Finish

R600A is a refrigerant grade Iso-Butane that is available as a natural refrigerant. The refrigerant is used in a wide array of applications and is the perfect replacement for harmful refrigerants, such as R12, R22 and other CFCs and HCFCs.
R600A is gaining popularity over the years, given its low Global Warming Potential (GWP). The refrigerant is non-toxic, has zero ODP, and exceptional thermodynamic performance.
Hisense 8kg Heat Pump Dryer (8 star energy) $1100 AUD

LG 8kg Heat Pump Dryer (9 star energy) $1700 AUD
Half price powerpoints:
Popup Outlets $34USD (Check for plug options)

Popup / pop down (For trunking) version $34USD (Check for plug options)

Wire protection