R3.6 for 200mm, R4.4 for 300mm (In a square type building – depends on perimeter to area ratio). This rating is based on continuous insulation, not the ‘Waffle’ design.

Suitable for soft ground, 200KPA, TC2, piles and expansive soils.

Strength demo


Expol ‘Geofoam’ used for levelling sloping ground

GeoFoam is manufactured from standard Expanded Polystyrene foam and is available in a variety of grades to suit different construction conditions (see Table 10.2). Typical densities range from 12kg/m3 to 32kg/m3. GeoFoam will absorb small volumes of water, however this will not have a significant effect on its mechanical properties or performance.

Table of Contents


Human male – Standing558
Human male – Walking11016
Passenger car20530
Adult elephant24035
Mountain bicycle24540
Truck steer tyre (3,000Kgs)750109
Stiletto heel3250471