Starlink are launching thousands of low orbit satellites that are providing the next generation of satellite broadband.
You can order at
The costs are (in NZD incl. GST):
- Hardware $1040 (inc shipping)
- Service $159/month
Performance is at least as good as VDSL or basic fibre.
Advantages over traditional satellite internet:
- Lower cost
- Easy self install (the dish is small and is motorised for self alignment)
- Fast ~100 to 300Mb/s
- Presently no data caps
- Low latency (or lag)
- The satellites are much closer (eg 600km vs 39000km)
WISPs – or Wireless Internet Service Providers – are the key to broadband in rural New Zealand.
They provide Internet connectivity by fixed wireless, mostly in regional or rural areas where mainstream telecommunications companies don’t bother going. WISPs connect to a fibre optic link at a central point (this is known as “backhaul”), install a series of fixed wireless receivers and transmitters on hilltops or high buildings, and bounce the wireless signal across a series of these sites to a cluster of end users in a rural area.
Wireless Nation Lifestyle Endless WiFi – $109.99/mth “Suitable for dual HD streaming simultaneously and support WiFi sharing with multiple devices for Googling, Emails, Facebook, Spotify, YouTube etc.”
GoWireless Parts

Available in a range of powder coated colours, natural “mill” or “anodized” finish.


GA (90mm, 140mm) over D-line plastic 2 channel
Will not work through steel or concrete. Use cable to connect buildings and internally. Mount router outside the building envelope, cabled to indoor router in each property.

Transmit/receive aerials:
Type & Range:
Whip Antenna: Up to 100 yards.
Omni Antenna: Up to ¼ mile.
Yagi Antenna: Up to ½ mile.