Licensed foundation specialist Bevan Craig
Thermathene Orange 300 micron Damp Proof Membrane (DPM) or Supercourse 500 Synthetic Damp Proof Course SPC100030 (1000mm x 30m) under roadbase and 250 micron over to create dry space for roadbase to improve R value to R2. EPS on top of top membrane to prevent fastener punctures.
The 500G polythene membrane performs as a separating layer rather than keeping moisture out, whereas the 1200G (and above) membranes ensure that no moisture is made available to the screed and floor coverings. in the UK use screed to cover underfloor heating piping. NOTE: “Concrete of other rigid sub-base” i.e. Roadbase with polystyrene on top. The screed is merely to level over the piping – it is not structural. British Standard BS8204-1:2003
Matt Reisinger – Montana