ONE hole per penetration (Pipe, wiring) so it is easy to seal
Septic Tanks
Do not use anti-bacterial products (Kills the bacteria that breaks it down). No fats, wipes or chemicals.
Should never need pumped if bacteria is in balance
Should be sealed (No air inside – anerobic)
No light (Kills bacterial growth)
1Kg of yeast into tank 1 every 2 months to grow bacteria or stale milk. DIY doser with Arduino
Soakaway worms are a scam.
‘Wormorator’ uses Tiger worms – Vermicomposting – Video ‘TUTORIAL – How to DIY build your own sewage system’ by ‘Make Science fun’ (In folder). Also
Every three years or so discharge Tank 1 (Through the large valve at the bottom). I flow it onto my trailer which I then use to fertilise the garden. If we did not use toilet paper, and used a bidet instead, I would guess that I would only need to discharge it every 10 years.
Processes 1000l/day with 7 tanks – 200l/bedroom 6 people
5 tank system will do 4 people
45 degree floor allows chamber 2 sediment to flow back to chamber 1
Tuf-Tite EF-4 Residential Series Effluent Filter (Filter Only), Yellow
800 GPD (gallon per day) – 86 ft. of 1/16″ Filtration
The EF-4 series filters remove solids down to 1/16″ and greatly extend the life of the septic system
HIBLOW HP-80 Pond Aerator/ Septic Linear Air Pump (80 Liters Per Minute) :
UV light is normally effective against all viruses, bacteria and protozoa. However, some microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia have protective or thick cell walls that some low power UV light systems are not able to penetrate. (It is important to make sure the UV light disinfection systems are specifically designed to kill these microorganisms if necessary.) A 5 micron pre-filter is required, annual bulb changes and 2 yearly glass sleeve replacement). If you are on rural supply and your premises are more than domestic self-supply, you are considered a drinking water supplier under the new regulation. Hence, you must register as a drinking water supplier and use a Class A UV monitored system. Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3497 Class IIc
Soakaway – Novadrain over gravel – Keep slope constant
Slow sand filter cleans 99.9 percent of nanoplastics from drinking water ecosystem includes a gravel layer, sand, and a biologically active layer on the surface that includes worms and bacteria. These form a biofilm that carries out most of the decontamination.

MUST be kept in the dark. Closed room at back of double carport for 7 IBC’s. Perhaps at back of greenhouse to shield back wall from heat loss.
EARTHSAFE Wastewater Treatment Systems
Earthsafe Polymer Twin Tank Models
The Earthsafe D10 Polymer treatment system is built inside two injection moulded purpose built tanks. The system is light weight (360Kg) and can be easily transported upon a ute or trailer to site where it can be lifted into the excavation by the machine that digs it (no crane needed). The total volume of treatment within the polymer systems is 6, 400 litres with an invert of 400mm standard. If a deeper invert is required a 350mm polymer riser can be supplied with the systems.

Features and Benefits
- Multi-chamber system ensures five separate treatment stages including twoclarifiers
- Largest capacity injection moulded polymer tanks available … 3200 litres = More volume = Better treatment!
- Air pump, has a 3 year warranty and only uses 58 watts of power
- Standard irrigation pump only uses 250 watts of power at 9m head
- All metal fittings etc, inside tank, are 316-grade Stainless Steel.
- Government approved ~ Australian designed and manufactured.
- Simple rugged electrics – Eliminates fragile motherboard or PLC to fail.
- Lightweight – Polymer model can be installed by the digger doing the excavation.
- Can be transported on a single pallet on a flat deck utility or large trailer to site.
D10SF Secondary Standard
As Described above with a 9m Head Irrigation Pump suitable for above ground sprinklers
Water Discharge quality:
- 20mg / L BOD
- 30mg / L Suspended solids
- 100 / per 100ml (cfu) Thermotolerant count
D10SF H.H. Secondary High Head
AS above with a 30m Head Irrigation pump suitable for discharging to areas further than 30 metres or to a higher level, or for belowground pressure drippers.
Water Discharge Quality:
- 20mg / L BOD
- 30mg / L Suspended solids
- 100 / per 100ml (cfu) Thermotolerant count
D10 SF AS Advanced Secondary
This system is similar to the standard Earthsafe D10SF, however incorporates additional features to produce a higher standard of irrigation discharge. This is normally necessary in more environmentally sensitive areas (near waterways, wetlands or with sensitive shallow ground water etc.) The higher discharge quality allows discharge within 10 metres of waterways and has lower environmental impact “Advanced secondary” quality irrigation is sometimes required by Councils in these circumstances.
This model D10 SF AS is supplied with an internal filtration unit.
Water Discharge Quality:
- 10mg / L BOD
- 10mg / L Suspended Solids
- 10/ per 100ml (cfu) Thermotolerant count
D10 SF AS / NR Advanced secondary with nutrient reduction $1860AUD+GST
Again this system is similar to the advanced secondary model, with the addition of an external filter pod and fitting kit. The fitting kit includes six (x6) 15kg bags of “Nutrilok” filter aggregate. This is a far superior filtration material than sand and also has the capability of also removing heavy metals etc. This material removes a substantial amount of both Nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) from discharged clean water as well as some heavy metals. This model is particularly suited to environmentally sensitive areas (especially marine environment). The filter can be backwashed easily while being serviced and “Nutrilok” is available from the system manufacturer if needed.
The water quality of irrigation from this system is less than or equal to;
- 10mg / L BOD
- 10mg / L Suspended Solids
- 10 / per 100ml (cfu) Thermotolerant count
- 10mg / L Nitrogen
- 5mg / L Phosphorous
Septic Quality Monitoring System
Based on ZigBee
Water Quality Monitoring System
Coliform, Streptococci. Planned Indirect potable reuse (IPR) treats water at source, unplanned IPR relies on ground filtering. Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) is the newest technology. Microfiltration is used after the septic system, then reverse osmosis. The membrane filters out undesirable components such as bacteria, viruses and pharmaceuticals. The water is then disinfected using special chemicals and strong UV light. Indirect potable water is entirely safe to drink and places across the world without easy access to fresh water already use such processes. Areas in Australia, Singapore, southern states of America – like California and Texas – and Namibia all make use of wastewater recycling facilities to help provide their population’s drinking water.
Wastewater Process Monitors and Sensors
A Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network for Sewerage Monitoring
Real Time Wireless Monitoring and Control of Water Systems Using Zigbee 802.15.4
Council and Permits
You will need to supply Council with a report from a suitably qualified professional that your site is suitable for on-site treatment of wastewater (i.e. septic tank and disposal field). If the disposal field is closer than 50m from a water body or water supply well, it will need an additional resource consent from the Regional Council.